Frequently Asked Questions and Factsheets

We have concentrated below upon the questions we most frequently get asked. We then give our brief answers - so that you can easily find out the information you need.

However, there are many fact-sheets that cover a wide range of dementia topics and we have also included them and divided them into categories to help you.

All the fact sheets are produced by the Alzheimer’s Society. The factsheets can be accessed via the given web links (Just click on the factsheet you want to read or print; then press the Ctrl button on your keyboard and click.) 

You can also download PDFs of each factsheet in large-print format. These use size 16 font, making them more accessible for people with a visual impairment. To download a PDF, just follow the link at the top, side or bottom of that factsheet webpage.

The factsheets are also available in audio format. You can order CDs or cassettes by contacting the Alzheimer’s Society, or you can listen to audio factsheets online. 

Frequently Asked Questions and Our Answers

Q. What is dementia?

A. ‘Dementia’ describes a set of symptoms that may include memory loss and difficulties with thinking, problem-solving or language.

Q. Are there different dementia behaviours? 

A. Yes. A person with a dementia may start to behave differently. Out-of-character behaviours can be difficult to understand, are often caused by confusion and distress, and may indicate underlying needs.

Q. What support will be given after diagnosis?

A. Devon County Council has a duty to assess the care needs of anyone with a dementia. The assessment will determine what care needs there are. Any person has a right to this assessment, even if you may end up paying for some care. You should see your GP, including if you feel anxious or restless, or unhappy for a long period of time.

Q. How do I find a good residential care home?
A. Visit the home and spend some time looking around and talking to the person in charge, as well as to staff and residents. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. The best indication of a good home is that the residents appear happy and responsive, and that individuals are treated with dignity and respect. Do check the latest Care Quality Commission (CQC) assessment of the home.

Q. How do I find a carer to help at home?

A. If you or the one you care for require personal assistance with everyday tasks such as washing and dressing, get in touch with Care Direct on 05841 551007, who may be able to help you. Or you can contact an independent home care provider (‘domiciliary care provider’). You can find these on our website at

Q. What is Lasting Powers of Attorney?
A. Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal tool that gives another adult the legal authority to make certain decisions for someone, if they become unable to make them themselves. The person who is given LPA is known as an ‘attorney’. They can manage finances, or make decisions relating to a person’s health and welfare.

Q. What benefits am I entitled to for caring? 

A. If you are living with a dementia, or caring for someone with the condition, you may be entitled to a number of benefits. It depends on your situation, but you may be entitled to an Attendance Allowance, Carers Allowance, or Disability Living Allowance. Please ask a professional advisor.

Causes of dementia, progression and drug treatments
Emotional and practical support
Health and social care
Legal and Financial Information

Registered Charity No 1177430

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